Thursday, November 11, 2010

Dear Running,

I've been meaning to write an open letter to you recently so that we could have a discussion about where I am, where you are, and how things are working out so far. I think that this is an important exercise, and I tend to employ it in all relationships - friendships, or on the rare occasion that I find I've been seeing a boy for a few months. I mean, it usually takes a few months for the honeymoon phase to wear off, for real issues to be brought up, for intimacy to develop. We start showing our real selves, and things do get more difficult. We have to evaluate, ensure that both sides are committed and willing to make any necessary changes or compromises.

You and I have very much engaged in an on-again/off-again sort of courtship for a decade or so, due largely to injuries butting in and taking me away from you, or taking you away from me. After losing you so many times, I have to admit, I was reluctant to accept the our involvement with each other again. I even avoided it for almost a year! I did not want to face the pain of losing you again, and in turn, losing a happier part of myself.

I'm glad I decided to give us a chance again.

You have taught me that I'm capable of so much more than I expect, that hard work pays off. You have taught me that I am beautiful, strong, and capable if determined. You have given me hours for self-reflection, for music-listening, for daydreaming. You have helped me to decompress, work out the worst of my work-related stress, and return with calm resolve and a plan. You complete me.

Thank you so much for being such a great part of my life.


1 comment:

Generation X (Slomohusky) said...

thanks, nice post/letter. good luck on the half.