Thursday, March 17, 2011


Every time I see a photographer on a race, I smile. Before I adopted this policy, I ended up with really scary race photos.

I got an email today from Evan Pilchik Photography and opened it to discover that I'd made it into a lot of shots from the race. The following is my favorite, even though I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing with my arms here.

Happy Running

I also really like the one below because you can tell that I'm starting to dig for the finish.

Kicking into the finish

I have a few problems with pictures of myself, mostly perpetuated by a hyperactive sense of self-loathing. When I look at the first picture, it's difficult for me to avoid honing in on my softer bits, on the things that I want to change, but hey. At least I'm smiling.


ShortSkirts said...

you look awesome, love the socks!

Generation X (Slomohusky) said...

Both of these shots look pretty Fab compared to any shot of me in any race. Talk about softy parts! You look great!

Unknown said...

People with no softness have trouble with blood sugar and hydration.

Own it.