Sunday, December 26, 2010

Running Buddy

One of the great things about coming home is running with one of my favorite running buddies, my adorable 7-year-old yellow lab named Oliver. We call him Ollie for short.

Me and Ollie en route to a run on the river:
Running buddy

Pumping ourselves up:
Ollie love

Ollie in a dead sprint:
He's a good dog, and always comes back.

Running buddy love:
Kisses from Ollie

Truth be told, he's not the best runner in the world unless he has something to chase. Unfortunately, I'm not quite fast enough to keep his interest. But, he's still a good dog and stays close, and he sure knows how to make his humans feel loved.


ShortSkirts said...

Yay I love going home too beacuse I get doggie time, although mine is 13 so he doesnt run with me. But he's doing pretty good for an old timer.

Generation X (Slomohusky) said...
