Monday, January 3, 2011

The Dog Days are Over: Quick 2010 Recap

I love to write, which is not something I give away in this blog. I mean, a lot of my writing happens in my own moleskines and it's intensely personal. But, I kind of miss just throwing it out to the ether (or, rather, a very public forum that is read by people that I don't even know!). So, to satisfy a strange desire to just spit it out and let it be, here is a bit of my year for you:

First, I'd like to say that my title is somewhat misleading. There was a lot of character building, but I cannot claim to have had a terrible year. Conversely, I had some amazing times. Shoot, I had a blast. Here are the best five:

1) Interviewing for medical school. I felt professional and important and on the brink of something absolutely amazing. I would change people's lives! I would save them! And I had a chance to talk to people who had done that. Plus, in one of the most competitive years in the history of medical school admissions, I at least interviewed at more than one school. I put myself out there. I tried. Yes, I failed, which is one of the low points of this year for me, but the concurrent passing of my beloved grandmother put that (and many other things) into perspective. Furthermore, I weathered the rejection much more gracefully than I had ever expected of myself. In a way, that rejection has built me up more than success would have. I've had to build character, and for once in my life, I've failed at something that was my primary focus for over a year. It feels like time lost, but the fact that I am not only alive, but flourishing in other areas suggests that I'm coming into a healthier mindset than has previously been characteristic of me. It may not be a success, but it is a sign of personal development, and that in and of itself feels like a victory. It should be noted that a lot of this perspective was elucidated during very, very long runs :)

2) Bicycle touring. I went to the Olympic peninsula, the Middle Fork of the Snoqualmie River (twice!), Sulfur Creek Campground on the Suiattle River (twice - one was just riding from the trail head, the other was my overnight century and then some), and Green Mountain. I had an amazing time in all of them and realized that I am a distance sort of person.

Me, taking on my second 55-mile day in a row on my very first bike tour. You can tell it's my first because I severely overpacked:
Photo courtesy of Mr. Ball.

My buddy Sean, me, Chris, and Sarah returning home from the Middle Fork on a gorgeous day in June:
Bike tour to the Middle Fork of the Snoqualmie
Photo courtesy of Mr. Sean

Dawn, during an overnight 100+ mile ride to our campground on the Suiattle River:
Photo courtesy of Mr. Jimmy

The Night Riders arrive at the trailhead after our overnight century. 12 miles to go, and I was absolutely exhausted:
Night riders, post-century

3) My birthday. My friends came through and made me feel absolutely loved in so many different ways, whether it was posts on facebook, cards, an appearance at my Ballard birthday party, or participation in one of my favorite point83 rides, in which I was presented with a cupcake at an outdoor dance party that was held on top of the light rail tunnel in SODO. I have amazing friends, and they truly made this year one to remember.

Blowing out my birthday candle - I made a lovely wish. In lieu of a baked good, my friends bought me a Manhattan because they know me quite well:
Birthday Candle

The view from our outdoor dance club where my bike nerd friends sang happy birthday to me:
The Club
Photo courtesy of Mr. Deven

4) Ultimate. I cannot believe how much I missed it, and how much my confidence suffered without it. My best times come from the tournaments that I played with a team called Rainmakers -- we adopted other names for the tourneys, including Paparuda at Kleinman Interruption in Portland (we took 8th place, I think!), and Hawaii Four-Two-Oh at Hanford Howl in Richland, which we won :) I was supposed to play with them in Hawaii, but due to car trouble, I could not afford the trip. Maybe next year...

Throwing a lovely backhand (most unsexily) at Potlatch, where I played with Fish is Meat:
IMG_6751 (Large)
Photo courtesy of Ms. Ines

5) Last, but certainly not least, is running. How could it not be a high point? I got a PR in this year's Seattle half-marathon! I had no idea that I was capable of running a sub-two-hour race! The addiction has been renewed, I'm running again, and I think that it's offered me the "me time" that I need to sort through the more personal details of my life. Granted, this has not necessarily addressed the distress I've experienced in terms of achieving a more balanced expectation for my self-image, (I know, I know, and you have my sincere apologies for even bringing it up) but that's a different fish to fry this year. And though it hasn't solved my romantic quandaries, it has certainly helped me feel better about them. More than anything, the victory has been falling back in love with this sport and recognizing how much it gives back to me. I'm excited to see where it brings me this year (besides San Diego, of course!).

My race finish photo from the 2010 Amica Seattle Half. I kinda stole it from the company (sorry!), but you can tell how excited I was to blow my PR out of the water:
Seattle Half Marathon 2010 Race Finish

So, there you have it. My top 5. Clearly, I live a charmed life, and I know I am lucky for it. Thanks to all of you who have contributed so significantly - you know who you are. Thanks to everyone for reading. I hope that you were all able to ring in the new year happily and here's wishing you a happy, healthy 2011.

Cheers, y'all!


ShortSkirts said...

Wow you are crazy amazingly athletic. I mean I knew that but reading about all your biking, ultimate, and running in one place is kind of mind blowing.

I'm so glad we got to be friends this year. You inspired me to run, and are just an awesome person. I can't wait to spend more time with you in 2011!

Andrea said...

You rock cousin. I didn't know that you did thought bike tours. You are CRAZY athletic and I am just a bit jealous. I wish you injury free training for your San Diego half (again...just a bit jealous). Love you and loved reading your blog.