Wednesday, January 5, 2011

High Time

Dear Kristen,

I know you've spent about 5 hours of your long work day on me, but I think I'mma spontaneously combust now. Peace out.

The Bane of Your Existence
The 115-page document that *just* corrupted itself
The reason that you opted to skip yoga because you were *this close* to finishing me


Clearly, today is not my day. After crying for about 5 minutes, I'm saying "eff this noise, it's high time for a good run." I compiled the following guilty pleasure playlist for snowboarding in Montana. We'll see how it stands up (on shuffle) to a longish run.

1) Teenage Dream (Katy Perry)
2) Rehab (Amy Winehouse)
3) My Love (The Bird and the Bee)
4) Toxic (Britney Spears)
5) Drive (The Cars)
6) Pogo (Digitalism)
7) Ordinary World (Duran Duran)
8) Black Sheep (The Evil Exes)
9) Luxurious (Gwen Stefani)
10) Can't Say No (The Helio Sequence)
11) Change Clothes (Jay-Z)
12) Thank You (Jay-Z)
13) Your Arms Around Me (Jens Lekman)
14) Lights (Journey)
15) Touch the Sky (Kanye West ft. Lupe Fiasco)
16) Heartbeats (The Knife)
17) Say It Right (Nelly Furtado)
18) End It On This (No Doubt)
19) Too Young (Phoenix)
20) Beautiful (Snoop Dogg ft. Pharell and Uncle Charlie Wilson)
21) My Wife, Lost in the Wild (Beirut)
22) Big Poppa (The Notorious BIG)

1 comment:

Ines Tucakovic said...

Nice list! I see 6 songs on there that are also on my list :)I think I'm gonna do a similar post on my blog. Sorry to hear about the report just deciding to PTFO. :-/ Wanna borrow my bat?